Friday, March 17, 2006

Fuckin Forwards!!!

I am extremely sorry for the title but i mean it.. I personally dont like forwards. Few of my friends even i ask them not to forward the mails.. they dont stop. I dont know in which language i have to say this.....

I dont like forwards because ... they are really silly... worst thing is mobile sms forwards.. Goodmoring messeges ,Good night messeges... I dont mind jokes.. but the words which describe friendship love... etc etc are really irritating...

Why u have to express friendship and love in words and sms's ... they are really good feelings which u have to feel rather than forward bloody sms's.

Nowadays i dont even take time to read sms's . From the first line i can make out and delete them at that moment only.

I think this 100 sms free perday has created hell lot of problem for ppl like me who hate sms's especially forward sms's. And few of them expect me to reply for those sms's..... Oh my god..

And one more thing.. We have created a group in yahoo. for friends to keep in touch.. but instead of keepin in touch it has become a place for everybody to post forwards.. I dont know what happiness they get by forwarding mails which have no sense at all..

I hope i am clear with this.. and one more funny thing is ... congractulating somebody for 100th scrap ...1000th scrap... so silly......

Anyways... forget it.. My job is fine and i am not at all getting time to blog.. but will definitely post after 10 days...

Hey Me Sandesh and Susheem and Raghu .. watched Mata and Amrutha Dhare.. last weekend ... Amrutha Dhare.. is really disaster from Nagaththihalli chandra shekar.. Mata is good .. nice fun..

Ok. Wil write about that some other day

Have nice time.


Unknown said...

F*&kin forwards? Huh??

Bold Seena!

Shudn't take it that serious! There are some guys who like it! Just be a part of it!

Maja hodibeku! ashte!

Anonymous said...

Yeah dude just chillax!

Some of the forwards are great fun and good to read. Ofcourse there are some crappy ones (like those forward me or you will get bad luck crap), but sometimes you get awesome forwards that make you laugh, wonder, learn or just think!

Also forwards and those good day sms messages, etc. are just another way of telling your friend that you thought of him/her. Sometimes you won't have anything to tell the other person, thats when you can send forwards!

So no use being so hot headed over such a silly issue.